Saturday, January 08, 2005

Third World Problem Solving Beyond Amount of US Aid for Tsunami Victims

Per Dr. Sowell's rebuke earlier in the week, about the failure to use DDT to save millions of people in Africa from malaria and the ban due to environmental concerns, Nick Kristof in the NYT today: "I'm thrilled that we're pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the relief effort, but the tsunami was only a blip in third-world mortality. Mosquitoes kill 20 times more people each year than the tsunami did, and in the long war between humans and mosquitoes it looks as if mosquitoes are winning.
One reason is that the U.S. and other rich countries are siding with the mosquitoes against the world's poor - by opposing the use of DDT.
'It's a colossal tragedy,' says Donald Roberts, a professor of tropical public health at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. 'And it's embroiled in environmental politics and incompetent bureaucracies.'"

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