Thursday, February 17, 2005

Freidman with Excellent Column

The headline that Tom Friedman had a good column is not unusual in my opinion. Mr Freidman is certainly left of me but an excellent writer and sometimes absolutely correct. Mr. Hariri's assassination has not received the attention it should in the MSM. A portion of Freidman in The New York Times: 'Hama Rules':

"Rafik Hariri stopped playing by 'Lebanese Rules' - eating any crow the Syrians crammed down Lebanon's throat - and openly challenged Syrian imperialism. If the Lebanese want to be free, they have got to take the lead. They have to summon the same civic courage that Mr. Hariri did and that the Iraqi public did - the courage to look the fascists around them in the eye, call them in the press and in public by their real names, and confront the European Union and the Arab League for their willingness to ignore the Syrian oppression.
Nothing drives a dictatorship like Syria's more crazy than civil disobedience and truth-telling: when people stop being intimidated, stand up for their own freedom and go on strike against their occupiers. The Lebanese can't play by Hama Rules and must stop playing by the old Lebanese Rules. They must start playing by Baghdad Rules.
Baghdad Rules mean the Lebanese giving the Syrian regime - every day, everywhere - the purple finger. "

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